Saturday, June 23

Antler Fest

Today was the AntlerFest here in good ol' Nephi! As you probably already guessed we have been pretty excited for this day to get here! Marcel even ordered us shirts early so we'd have them in time to wear today!
Apparently Toby wanted his picture taken too! :)
It was awesome and we spent the majority of the day there (taking multiple trips to go with my dad and Jes who came over too)! They are saying that next year will be even bigger and we can't wait! We bought some good stuff (new hats incuded, whoop whoop!!) but the main thing was WAM-Wild Antler Magic. It helps color sheds from white back to what they would've looked like when they were freshly dropped and let me tell you, it seriously is magic!
Now time for a funny story: Shortly after we bought this kit we went home to try it out on some of our sheds. There was a packet in the kit that Marcel wasn't sure about so we took a trip back to the AntlerFest to ask the Vender about it. A few minutes after we walked in the building they called Marcel's name for the free drawing because he'd won a prize! I walked over to see what he'd won & guess what it was.... 
Yep! Another WAM kit! Score!! We'll be set for quite a while now!
Here are the finished sets just to show you how awesome this stuff works! Marcel did them all in just a few hours (along with a bunch of our other single sheds)!
Another story: Marcel went to help his friend Jeff Hansen set up some stuff for the AntlerFest last night. While helping him move some sheds around there was one that caught his eye. The way it curved at the end really resembled the monster shed he found last year that he's hiked miles searching for it's mate. Could this be it? He wasn't sure so this morning he took our side with us to compare and sure enough, they match! A pair once again united!
Jeff was a pal and told Marcel he'd trade him for it (Marcel was almost giddy to have this match) so we took them home, Marcel stained our side to match (Jeff had already WAMed the other side), we put it on a skull kit and viola!!
It's no longer a mystery as to why Marcel couldn't ever find the other side. Not because Jeff found it but because there was 6 miles between the two! This buck is a traveler!! We are really hoping to find him this year on either Marcel's-Bow or my-Muzzle Loader hunt! Strike is getting really lonely all alone up on our wall!! ;) 

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