Thursday, September 30

More Testing

Marcel went in on 9/28/10 to Salt Lake Fire for a bunch of testing and interviews. He started at 11:30 and didn't get done until sometime between 3 and 3:30! In preparation for this they sent him a packet with a bunch of paperwork that needed to be completed and brought with him. He had to get 3 referrals from friends, 3 referrals from previous employers, copies of his Drivers License, passport, birth certificate and high school diploma; Get a copy of his criminal history and driving records, fill out 2 different packets, one regarding family life and the other life history.
They also sized him for a uniform but told him that it wasn't a job offer, it would just make things move along faster if he is hired. He also went in today, 10/4/10, to see a psychiatrist (required by them) which he said was weird. The guy just asked him some questions from the form he filled out, did some strange number sequence testing, and other random things (which probably weren't random to the psychiatrist). He told Marcel that he did well on his other tests so that's a good sign! Now he just has to get a physical and then we play the waiting game again. Hopefully this will have a happy ending/new beginning! That's a whole lot of work for nothing if not! We'll see!

Wednesday, September 29

Random Events

Here's a post with some random pictures of random things in our life lately.
Here's an awesome shirt that Pascal got for Marcel! He saw this at the store and couldn't resist getting it for him because it is SOOO true! Really though it doesn't interrupt our marriage too bad because we both enjoy! Oh well it's still an awesome shirt!

We found this sweet hat at Sportsmen's in Provo. It was on a mannequin and I snatched it as soon as I saw it (but paid for it of course)! It is my favorite hat and I just love it!

I also got this shoulder strap to go with my guns! Love it too!

I went to my parents house for a visit the other day and they barbecued hot dogs for dinner. Well Jessica is very conscious about what she eats (not like she needs to be because she looks great!) so she had a turkey dog while the rest of us had a good ol' American hot dog! You can see the difference! She was able to fit 2 turkey dogs in 1 bun and it was still smaller! I wish I had has much willpower as Jes but I just love my food too darn much!

The other night Marcel dished us up some ice cream and this is what I saw when he handed me my bowel! What a sweety! I LoVe ThAt MaN!

We found Toby a Halloween costume at the Payson Walmart and it's FaNtAsTiC! It's a dog wig and a little hoodie that says "Lil' Monster". He looks so darn cute in it, don't you agree?! He's not a big fan of the wig but he'll have to wear it when it's time to dress up again!

The other day the sun was super red from the big fire south of Nephi. Marcel was able to snap this cool picture. It's so crazy that the smoke from the fire affects the sun like that.
That's all for now!

Toby's Terrible Tantrums

So as it has been shown in a prior post, Toby doesn't do very well at staying contained in his play pen. He had chewed a hole in one side so we covered it. He chewed a hole around the covering so we turned the play pen around so that the hole was against the wall. That little bugger just chewed another hole!
To fix that we went all out and built a redneck fort! We begin with the glass door covering the top (which has been there since Toby discovered the springs in his legs), move down to the exercise step covering the hole (because heaven knows it's not used for exercise!) which is held up by one of our kitchen chairs. Next to that covering the holes extension is our oil heater (which wasn't plugged in so no worries). Yep all we're missing is duct tape and an antenna! Even after all of this, he was still getting out. We have no idea how either because he is too big to squeeze through the hole against the wall and everything is still standing that covers the holes in the front so....yeah, no clue. Toby have you been watching "Mind Freak"?! So to fix the problem (once and for all we hope) Uli borrowed us her big dog kennel because Ginger (her dog) doesn't use it.
He looks sad in those pictures but he actually quite likes it! Every time we have to put him in there we just grab a treat and stand by the kennel and he runs in and sits down so he can have the treat! Such a good dog! He hasn't figured out how to break out of it yet but I wouldn't be surprised if he did (okay maybe a little since it's thick plastic and metal)!

On another note, I think he hit his "Terrible Twos" in dog years because he went on a destroying spree for a while! When he was magically getting out of his play pen I kept coming home to messes (luckily no potty messes though). If there was any paper out, he would find and shred it. Shoes by the door would be drug around the room or up on the couch. Also no, he is NOT allowed on the table.

Another time while I was HOME he decided to shred the tag on our mattress (I was washing the bedding so it was exposed and vulnerable) which really isn't that big of a deal but then he moved onto the wall! Argh! Oh you better believe he was in trouble (which he knew hence him hiding under the kitchen table). Lets just say he hasn't shred a paper or the walls in a while!
*Sigh*....this puppy really pushes our buttons sometimes but we definitely love him! Over all he is a very good dog and loves us as much as we love him. We wouldn't change a thing about his goofy little personality!

Friday, September 24

A peek at me!

Seven Things I Can Do:
1. Baby Marcel when he's sick or injured!
2. Be crafty/creative
3. Make yummy desert (normal food is a different, not so good story!)
4. Listen
5. Care about others more than myself
6. Talk to a stranger like a long lost friend
7. Dream big!

Seven Things I Can't Do:
1. Jump very high
2. Cook Mac&Cheese the same way twice
3. Drive the exact speed limit (I'm usually going around 5 over)
4. Go a whole day without laughing (I have some pretty great people in my life!)

5. Go 1 week without talking to my family
6. Mornings!!!

7. Watch an entire scary movie with my eyes open and ears unplugged!

Seven Nicknames I have:
1. Jen

2. Hun
3. Face/Facer
4. Snow White

5. Minerva (something my Grandma W. used to call me)
6. Jenni-Pooh(only my mom could call me that and I was very young, so don't start!)
7. Klepto (softball name for stealing bases)

Seven Things I Say Most:
1. I love you!
2. Face/Facer

3. Don't
4. For Real?
5. Duh!

6. Huh?
7. Brian and Christie's office, this is Jennifer! Lol!

Seven Goals for the Year:
1. Be a better wife
2. Be a better friend
3. Be better at keeping the house clean

4. Exercise regularly
5. Eat less junk food (this will be a toughy!)

6. Get into better shape to be more confident in myself.
7. Be more positive and optimistic

Seven Reasons I Fell In Love With Marcel:
1. Very first it was his stunning blue eyes and charming smile
2. Next it was his laugh and the way he makes me laugh

3. His personality is one of a kind and it is amazing
4. He can always cheer me up when I am down
5. He is ALWAYS there for me

6. His cooking (he is a pretty darn good chef!)
7. He has seen me at my very worse (so far) and still loves me just the way I am!

Seven Things I Love to Eat:
1. Potatoes in any form (mashed, baked, fries, etc.)

2. Marcel's chicken Enchiladas (oh so good!)
3. Sweets (that is vague for a reason! There are way too many of theses that I could name!)

4. My mom's home-made salsa
5. Black pitted olives (especially when you stick them on the ends of your fingers!)
6. Fruit/Veggies
7. Pasta (I may secretly be part Italian!)

Seven things I can't live without:
1. Marcel and our families
2. My doggies (Storm, Demon, & Toby)

3. My phone
4. Laughter
5. Food ;)
6. A camera to document memories

7. Sunshine and an occasional rainy day!

Uli's Graduation

My dearest mother-in-law, Uli, graduated from nursing school on Sept. 22,2010! We were unable to make it because Marcel had to work and I was home, sick with the stomach flu but luckily Pascal was able to get some good pictures for us!

We are so very proud of her for this great accomplishment and for her strength in being able to push through any challenge that arises in her life. She is a great woman and a great example. I'm so happy that she is Marcel's mom and a part of our lives :)! We love you Uli and couldn't be more proud!

Setting up Trail Cam

On Sept. 19 we decided to hike up into a canyon to set the trail camera up so we can find a nice buck for me to get for the rifle hunt. Marcel had a few different canyons in mind so we chose the easiest one of them and began our hike. We ended up stumbling across this handy-dandy spring.
After walking around and scouting the area for a bit we decided to set the trail camera up near the spring.

We also set out some salt, berry mixture, and acorn feed to help our odds a bit!

We had to get a few pictures of us enjoying the beautiful day!

On our hike back to the truck I almost stepped on this little guy! He was so tiny! I would say that his body could fit on top of a quarter! So cute!

It was a pretty toasty day and luckily Marcel packed some water. It was very refreshing!

I couldn't help but take some pictures of the beautiful scenery. I love this time of year because all of the leafs are changing and it's gorgeous!
A week or so after we set the camera up Marcel was talking to a friend and found out that where we set everything up wasn't the best place because it's on the border of some one's property and there aren't very big bucks that go there. We have yet to go retrieve the camera but we'll be doing that soon. Marcel has an idea for another place that we're going to try so we'll see. Hopefully we can get lucky!

Monday, September 20

Hubby Quiz!

1. Where did you meet your husband? Technically on Myspace but officially at a BBQ we planned at his house!

2. How long did you date before you were married? We got engaged on our 1 year anniversary so just over a year.

3. How long have you been married? 1 year, 10 months, 1 week, and 5 days! (I'm not that obsessive I just checked our counter!)

4. What does he do that surprises you? He is REALLY good at being sneaky! If he wants to surprise me with a present or activity he gets me every time! If I ever want to surprise him he guesses every time. No fair!

5. What is your favorite feature of his? His gorgeous blue eyes and heart warming smile! (His bum is pretty nice too ;) !).

6. What is his best quality? You can always depend on him to go through with whatever he says he will do. He's very dependable!

7. Does he have a nickname for you? Goobie on occasion but mostly hun! We also call each other "face" or "facer" (not quite sure how we got started on that but we've been saying it for quite a while)!

8. What is his favorite food? There's no way to narrow it down to just one!

9. What is his favorite sport? Right at the moment (and probably forever) it is hunting!

10. When and where did you first kiss? It was a warm summer night and we were up with my family at our cabin. We were sitting outside on the deck, cuddled up in a blanket because of the cool breeze, reading scriptures (a bit cheesy I know)! Then it happened! It was so sweet and we were both on cloud 9 afterwards! Also the next morning my mom knew! She didn't see us but she could tell by the way we were acting (that mother's intuition is a powerful thing! Lol!)! Such a good memory!

11. What is your favorite thing to do as a couple? We love doing everything together really but right now it's probably hunting!

12. Do you have any children? Not yet! Maybe another year or so if I can keep my "baby-hunger" in check!

13. Does he have any hidden talents? He is a great singer! He won't ever admit to it but he is!

14. How old is he? 26

15. Who said I love you first? I kind of forced it out of him. It was a bit awkward! Lol!

16. What is his favorite music? He has favorites from every genre.

17. What is it that you most admire about him? His willingness to help others and his strength in tough situations. He is my rock!

18. What is his favorite color? He has 3. Silver, blue and yellow.

19. Will he read this? I'll make him ;)!

20. Who do you tag? Whoever would like to do this!

Monday, September 13

Bow Hunt 2010

Our bow hunting experience this year was a success! It was Marcel's 3rd year bow hunting and he finally got a buck! He decided to name the buck "Strike" because "3 strikes you're out" and it's his 3rd year get the picture. We were SOOO excited!

Here's the story from Marcel's view:

"Well here is the story on my first buck and that with the bow. As most of you know, I had been chasing some really nice bucks and had been watching them all summer long. Well, to make a long story short, those bucks were scared out of the area by a new visitor....a bear.
So unable to locate my original bucks again I went on to plan B. Jen and I had been scouting an area close to where we live for quite a while and had managed to see a lot of smaller bucks and even put some stalks on them for my little brother who also has a bow tag. We were able to get within 40 yards of a nice 3 point for my little brother but buck fever got the better of him and so that deer got a free pass. Well in looking in the area we went to a spot where we had seen some nice bucks last year and we just happened to be in the right spot at the right time and were able to watch my buck go to his bed. So the stalk was on.

First attempt......failure. He outsmarted us.

Second attempt.......failure. This time I had made a great stalk and had my brother pushed him right towards me and had Jen down low spotting it all out for us and keeping us updated on what the buck was doing. The buck came up the draw just as I had hoped. I had ranged a bunch of spots so I would have an idea of how far to shoot. The buck came up and I tried to get him to stop but he ended up stopping higher than I had ranged so I had to guess on a range since he was looking like he was going to bolt any second. Well I lined up what I thought was the right yardage and released but watched the arrow go right underneath his belly! He took off and stopped at about 50 yards before going over the ridge, but I didn't have time to get another shot. And with that, I was kicking myself and not believing I had screwed up. We tried to stay on him but lost him.

So third attempt......failure. Jen and I had spotted him in his regular spot and had finally figured out his schedule. Every third day in the middle of the day, he would be in his bed. So once again, I stalked to my spot above his bed in the wash and Jen did the push (carrying Toby the whole way) but somehow in the middle of the push he snuck away without any sign or sound. Jen was so bummed and thought it was all her fault for not seeing where he went. So I had to reassure her that it wasn't and that he was just a smart guy and that we would get another shot at him hopefully.

Which brings us to attempt number 4. I went up and saw him in his bed again. So I called my Jen and she got off of work and then made a phone call to my father-in-law and he made his way over to help us out. So now the stalk was on. Jen stayed low and put the spotting scope on him and kept an eye on him the whole time. I got into position on top of the hill just above the wash and this time I ranged every possible place around me. My father in law started the push and before I knew it I heard the crash of trees and brush below me and saw the antlers bobbing towards me. My heart started racing and I got ready for the shot. The buck cautiously made his way up the wash the same way he had the last time I had shot at him. Everything worked out perfect and I got him to stop at about 35 yards out. One deep breath and released. The beautiful sound of a sure shot filled my ears. He went up over the ridge out of sight but Jen watched him the whole time. She came over the walkie-talkies and said "he's down but rolling down the hill"! I thought to myself, 'please don't break'! So after going about 50 yards from where I shot him and a 100 yard roll down the hill, my buck was finally down! I was so excited! I had been working for this moment for 3 years and when I was able to hold that buck's antlers in my hands, it was such an awesome feeling. And the best part was that Jen and John were there to share the memory with me. Couldn't have done it without them!" From my view:

"Strike stayed bedded while Marcel hiked around into position. Once he was ready (we each had a walkie-talkie to communicate) my dad headed up to help spook Strike up to him. I kept my eye on Strike for a while and he didn't look like he was planning on going anywhere too soon so I looked away from the spotting scope to give my eye a break and to see where my dad was on the mountain. It only took a few seconds to find him so I looked back in the spotting scope once again only to see....nothing. Panic swept through my body as I looked from the spotting scope to the mountain, frantically looking for a running deer. I couldn't see anything so I looked into the spotting scope again just to make sure and sure enough...he was gone. I picked up the walkie-talkie and pushed the talk button, "*ksh* Nobody move. I lost him *ksh*".

My heart sank when I finally spotted him heading over into the next wash. "*ksh* He's headed over to the next wash *ksh*". I thought I had completely ruined everything.

This thought and more were running through my head when Marcel came over the walkie-talkie saying "*ksh* I hit him! I'm almost positive so watch him! *ksh*"

I was SOOO happy to hear that! I celebrated with wahoo's and such in the walkie-talkie (as did my dad)! As I watched Strike trot over to the next wash and head down slowly Marcel said "*ksh* Yep I definitely got him! There's blood and I can see the trail *ksh*!"

Next thing I knew Strike was rolling down the mountain.

ME: "*ksh* Ope he's rolling! You definitely got him! *ksh*"

DAD: "*ksh* Awesome! Nice shot! Way to go! *ksh*"

MARCEL: "*ksh* Don't break! Please don't break! *ksh*"

Once he finally stopped rolling we all sat tight giving him time to expire (expire is a weird way to say that but it is the most, uh.....polite!) while we all jabbered about our excitement and recapping the whole ordeal. Finally Marcel and my dad hiked around and met up at the spot where Strike was, with my guidance and Marcel following the blood trail.

Once they were there, I hiked down from my spot and over and up to where they were. Marcel met me with a huge boyish grin and took my hand leading me to Strike, who was even better up close! We were all very excited and it was awesome having my dad there with us!

After the gutting, caping and the yucky "boys job" stuff was done, we headed down the mountain, Marcel and my dad with the body and me with the head. Let me just tell you I had a heck of a time getting that dang thing down. The dirt and rocks were not very sturdy and I fell on my butt A LOT. It didn't help that it was so darn heavy either! Marcel and my dad were quite a ways ahead of me so every 5 minutes or so Marcel would call to me, "Hun, you okay?".

"Yes", I replied every time but as time went on my frustration from falling so much grew and my replies became sharp and angry sounding. Towards the bottom Marcel asked me again, "Jen, are you okay?" and I came back with "NO I'm NOT okay". He quickly found me and helped me carry it the rest of the way to a clearing. I was pretty grouchy when he found me and I told him that I didn't want to carry the stupid head anymore and he looked at me lovingly and said "Thank you so much for carrying it for me hun. I'm sorry."

You can imagine how crappy I felt for being such a beast! I immediately fixed my mood and apologized for my attitude. I have such a great husband!

We stopped by a little creek and had a drink (which was delicious) and I let my shoes fill up with cold water as I stood in it! It felt wonderful! Then we carried everything the rest of the way to the truck and got it all loaded up. It was a really great day and we all had a great time despite my short temper!"

Strike: 3x4 and 25 1/2 inches wide
Marcel: Extremely happy to get him!

Here's a little graph to show how things played out.

*Disclaimer: Positions may not be exact but you get the idea!

The view from the cab of the truck on our way home! Very nice!

Skinning and freezing the meat. One of our neighbors (the Ostler's) have a huge walk-in freezer at their house (which happens to only be 2 houses away from us) where they allow hunters to hang their big game for just $5 a day. It's very convenient!

Marcel decided to mount this big boy since it is his first buck and he's a pretty good size to get with a bow so we took him over to Kelly's Taxidermy here in Nephi. We've seen some of his work and he does a great job so we're very excited to see the end result! While there, I spotted this crazy mount (right)! What's even crazier is it is totally real! Kelly said it was a huge pain to mount but I think it looks awesome! I had never seen anything like it until then so you can see why I was in such awe of its oddness!

Marcel's good buddy Darin Smith had set up his trail camera a few months prior to the hunt in the area that Strike hung around in and was able to capture a few photos of him! As you can see he grew quite a bit between the time this picture was taken and when we got him (about 3 months).

Here's Toby enjoying one of our many deer scouting adventures! (Also pictured is Marcel and Manuel!)

On one of our trips up the Loop I had Marcel stop so we could take a picture of this super cute calf! We have never seen one this color and I wanted to load him/her in the back of the truck and take him/her home with us!

After letting the meat freeze for 2-3 days, Marcel and I brought it back home to cut up(which let me just tell you was NOT a pleasant experience! I was almost crying because I was so grossed out helping him carry the body from the freezer to his truck! Sometimes I can be pretty girly and I definitely had my moment there)!

How romantic is this picture with the dead deer carcass hanging in the background?! Oh, I know!

Marcel did almost all of the cutting work. I mostly packaged, bagged and labeled the cut pieces and helped a bit with slicing some meat for jerky (I promise I wasn't JUST taking pictures!).

It was a great experience being there with Marcel when he got his first buck! We absolutely love hunting for many reasons but mostly because it gives us a chance to spend a lot of time together outdoors and gives us a chance to bond as a couple. We can't wait to do it all over again for my hunt in October!


We headed out with some of our good friends on Friday, 10/13/10, to do a little over night camping trip. We went up Nebo Loop, picked a good spot, and got settled in.
We were laughing because our camping set-up is like a mini version of Brett's!
Marcel got the fire up and going where we cooked our delicious tinfoil dinners and roasted marshmallows, or rather, a marshmallow glob! We had an old bag of marshmallows in our camper that hadn't been opened and when we got them out they were all stuck together so Marcel thought it would be funny just to roast the entire thing! We all took turns just pulling pieces off until the glob was gone and it was surprisingly tasty!

The next morning we all got up and the guys worked on breakfast. Brett made some DELICIOUS french toast! I'm not kidding you he would give I-HOP a run for their money!

Alex made eggs and bacon and we all enjoyed this gourmet camping meal!

After breakfast we just hung around the campfire for a bit chatting before cleaning up.

Marcel had fun teasing Toby by putting his leash on his tail because he could "walk himself"!

To put out the fire Maryann and Alex poured out their leftover drinks on it and then Marcel covered it with dirt.
After everyone was packed up we all headed to our separate homes. Marcel and I had made plans to go to the Derby that night so we got everything put away and then got ready to go!
The Demolition Derby this year was a blast! I was able to ride in on the firetruck with Marcel and sit down in the Rhino's that drive around throwing out candy. It was fun seeing familiar faces and trying to get some of the good candy to them! I even found some of my cousins that I hardly ever get to see which was fun!

The view from down where we were sitting was awesome too! Right up in the action! We had a great time and luckily no one got hurt too bad!

Me and my firefighter man! What a stud! I think this is my favorite outfit on him! ;)
All in all it was a really good weekend! :)