Monday, September 20

Hubby Quiz!

1. Where did you meet your husband? Technically on Myspace but officially at a BBQ we planned at his house!

2. How long did you date before you were married? We got engaged on our 1 year anniversary so just over a year.

3. How long have you been married? 1 year, 10 months, 1 week, and 5 days! (I'm not that obsessive I just checked our counter!)

4. What does he do that surprises you? He is REALLY good at being sneaky! If he wants to surprise me with a present or activity he gets me every time! If I ever want to surprise him he guesses every time. No fair!

5. What is your favorite feature of his? His gorgeous blue eyes and heart warming smile! (His bum is pretty nice too ;) !).

6. What is his best quality? You can always depend on him to go through with whatever he says he will do. He's very dependable!

7. Does he have a nickname for you? Goobie on occasion but mostly hun! We also call each other "face" or "facer" (not quite sure how we got started on that but we've been saying it for quite a while)!

8. What is his favorite food? There's no way to narrow it down to just one!

9. What is his favorite sport? Right at the moment (and probably forever) it is hunting!

10. When and where did you first kiss? It was a warm summer night and we were up with my family at our cabin. We were sitting outside on the deck, cuddled up in a blanket because of the cool breeze, reading scriptures (a bit cheesy I know)! Then it happened! It was so sweet and we were both on cloud 9 afterwards! Also the next morning my mom knew! She didn't see us but she could tell by the way we were acting (that mother's intuition is a powerful thing! Lol!)! Such a good memory!

11. What is your favorite thing to do as a couple? We love doing everything together really but right now it's probably hunting!

12. Do you have any children? Not yet! Maybe another year or so if I can keep my "baby-hunger" in check!

13. Does he have any hidden talents? He is a great singer! He won't ever admit to it but he is!

14. How old is he? 26

15. Who said I love you first? I kind of forced it out of him. It was a bit awkward! Lol!

16. What is his favorite music? He has favorites from every genre.

17. What is it that you most admire about him? His willingness to help others and his strength in tough situations. He is my rock!

18. What is his favorite color? He has 3. Silver, blue and yellow.

19. Will he read this? I'll make him ;)!

20. Who do you tag? Whoever would like to do this!


  1. NICE WORK JEN!!! I am so glad you took this little quiz! It is alot of fun to hear about your hubby!!! He better count his blessings that he has such a wonderful wife!! We just love ya here at work :)

  2. Aw thanks Ferrin! You're so sweet! Ditto to your husband! Your boys are lucky to have such an awesome mom too!

  3. Awww you guys are so very CUTE and we all have some pretty amazing hubbies....most of the time!! HE HE HE!
