Thursday, December 27

"Fire in the Hole!!!"

Yep....the heater we had plugged in our room decided to have a tizzy fit and try to burn the house down. Luckily Marcel caught it before anything too bad really happened! Now we have a melted outlet, a useless heater, a terrible smell throughout the west side of our house, and a freezing cold bedroom!
I LOVE old houses!!!

Thursday, December 13

TuRtLe TuRtLe!

Oh yes....
....this happened today!!
I'm tempted to get a little guy like this for us! Only problem is that they can get up to 25lbs and we don't have room for a big guy like that! He was fun to play with for a bit though!

Wednesday, December 12

Sunday, December 2

CoOt ShOoT!!!

Since I keep freezing up when a duck flies by and not shooting, we decided to go coot shooting! It was really windy,
{-Please excuse the Hannibal Lecter resemblance in the left picture! :) -}
 but that worked to our advantage and I got one!!
Now I'm ready! 
Bring on the Quackers!!!

Friday, November 16

Breaking Dawn Part:2

Last night was the final premier for the Twilight series movies, which made the night bitter sweet.
Sweet because I had a great time with some great ladies and the movie was FANTASTIC!!!! Bitter because the series is over.....**Twihard tear & sniffle**!
Love these girls (and you too mom, even though you aren't in these)! We definitely need to do this more often!!
Just a few of my favorite quotes from the books/movies!
Edward Cullen: I don't have the strength to stay away from you anymore.
Isabella Swan: Then don't.
Twilight: And so the lion fell in love with the lamb…What a stupid lamb. What a sick, masochistic lion. (Edward, Bella)
Edward Cullen It's an extraordinary thing to meet someone who you can bare your soul to and accept you for what you are. I've been waiting, for what seems like a very long time, to get beyond what I am. With Bella I feel like I can finally begin. So I'd like to propose a toast to my beautiful bride. No measure of time with you will be long enough. But let's start with forever.

What a great journey this series has been! I know that sounds super cheesy but I get really attached to my fictional characters so when a series comes to an end, I'm left with a sadness. Perhaps I'll read the books again.....!

Wednesday, November 14

VoLLeyBaLL 2o12

It was another really fun year with some really great ladies! We did a lot better than last year, the other teams would win some, we would almost win others....okay we actually did win a few times!
Until next year....
Go Duckbills!!!
(We are the CVMC team. Our team name comes from what the PAP instrument looks case you were wondering.....!)

Friday, November 9

Ceeeeelebrate good times COME ON!!!

We went out tonight to celebrate our anniversary! During the day it started to storm pretty bad but that doesn't scare Marcel! We've got 4-wheel drive so we were good!
Marcel surprised me by taking us to "Sakura"!
This place is DE.LIC.IOUS!! Also very entertaining! We ate so much yummy food and had a great time!
Thanks Hunny! :)

Thursday, November 8

4 great years!

It's already been 4 years, can you believe it?!

Our anniversary fell on a Thursday this year so we just spent the evening home and toasted with some good ol' Cranberry 7up in our champaign glasses!
I love this man SOOO much! He truly is my everything (I know that sounds cheesy, and it is, but that's the truth!)! I'm so happy I get to spend forever with him!
Happy Anniversary Hun!!!

Wednesday, November 7

Hair Play!

Going back to straight and dark!

Tuesday, November 6

Election Time!

Today is election day (as if you didn't already know!) and I voted!
Now it's your turn to go exercise your constitutional rights!
Preferably for these guys.....
Got it?
Okay good deal!
Happy voting everyone!
I just had to add this last thing cause it gave me a good chuckle!

Monday, November 5

Please tell me....

....How he was able to flick his food this far out of his closed kennel?!
I'm baffled!! 


I would love to let them play together but....
....I'm afraid Storm will try to eat him again.....!
Love all our furry kiddo's! :)

Waterfowl: Round 2

Round 2 of Duck hunting made for quite a long day of waiting.....
....and waiting....
Until we were finally successful! And by "we" I mean Marcel!
He got two good looking Green Winged Teal that are going to look nice on our wall!
Until next time duckies! :)

SLCF Gala 2012

This year for the gala I went out on a limb and tried the infamous "smoky eye" technique!
For my first time ever trying it, I think it turned out okay! Toby was trying to give me kisses so I think he liked it (don't mind my goober expression in that pic.!)!
We ended up having a great night and it was another great Gala put on by the SLC Fire Department!
Shauna Lake & Mark Koelbel from KUTV hosted the awards ceremony.
This beauty was outside of the hotel when we were headed back to our cars! That Smiley in the corner does a great impression of how Marcel reacted to seeing this! And Andrew of course had to photobomb at least 1 picture!! ;)
 It was so fun spending time with my handsome hubby and some great friends! We are truly blessed to be part of such an amazing fire family! Can't wait to do it all again next year!

Be vewy vewy quiet....

We're hunting some ducks!!
We got all ready to go, early in the morning, in the cold, and headed out!
Waders were put on once we got there!
Round 1 went something like this:
That sums it up minus all the waiting time!
Setting up the decoys!
and waiting,
and waiting,
and waiting!!!
Love this stud muffin!
We learned our way around the area and got a better idea of what we need to do so it wasn't a complete waste! Until next time Quack time...!

Wednesday, October 31

All Hallow's Eve

Another great Halloween has come and gone! We did the annual dressing up at work,
and I won first place!! Woot woot!
I got some movie tickets for my prize! Sa-Weet!!
They also did a Haunted House decorating contest,
and our sides won 1st in that too! It was a clean sweep!
We got some delicious cupcakes for our prize!
After all the fun at work, Toby and I headed to Moroni to enjoy the rest of the evening (Marcel had to work)!
Austen's costume was pretty sweet too!
This was Berlin's little Halloween costume! Suzanna did a great job on it! She is the cutest owl ever, don't ya think?!
I hope everyone else had a SpOoKtAcuLaR day too! ;)
Happy Halloween Everyone!!!