Friday, May 25

Middle School Graduation

That's right, Austen graduated from 8th grade last night which means he'll be a Freshmen next year (well, August of this year...eek!)! I can't believe it! He also graduated with the Presidential Award and the Honor Roll Award!
When they called him to walk they totally butchered his name (more than even we are used to hearing!). Instead of the correct "Westenskow" (like 'scone' without 'ne') or the usual mispronounced way of "Westenskow" (like cow), (we've even heard "Westenskii" (yeah you figure out how they got that one)), they pronounced it "Wessen" (like 'Smith and Wesson'). Yeah I'm concerned that these kids are graduating and can't read!! Okay that was a bit harsh but come on! One kids name is "Baltasar Alcala" (yes you read that right! Baltasar like the character on 'Sourcerors Apprentice'!) and they got that right!! Forever destined to be mispronounced. *sigh*  Anywho, on with the night!
After a few pictures we went to Snow Dragon in Ephraim for dinner to end the night (so yummy).
I still can't believe he's this old! That just snuck up on us! I'm so excited to see what the future holds for him!
 I love you tons bud and I'm SOOO proud of you! Keep up the good work! Great things are in store for you! :)

Wednesday, May 23

Avengers Assemble

Last night Marcel and I had our date night. I came home from work, gave him the invitation and a surprise.....glow in the dark Iron Man shirts! Woot woot (made by yours truly)! To give him the shirt I took him in the bathroom (darkest place in the house during the day), had him take off his shirt, put the most awesome shirt he'd ever wear on him, turned off the lights, placed him in front of the mirror and said "Okay now you can open them"! He loved it!
Next we went to dinner at this amazing, not very well known, cute little sushi restaurant in Payson (yes Payson) called the Fuji House (recommended by my cute friend Lacey, thanks chicka!)! The food was so good and the sushi roll we had was DE.LIC.OUS!! The prices aren't bad at all either and the service was great! It's in a cute location on old main street in Payson. Everyone should go there!
After dinner we walked around looking through the windows of a few of the cute shops on that street, went and got our tickets, made a quick Walmart run, then got some pretty good seats for the AVENGERS!!!! this movie is SOOO good! Seriously I wanted to stay and watch it again! It had a great mix of comedy and action and was just amazing!

Tuesday, May 22

1/2 Year Old!

Today our adorable niece is 6 months old!! I can't believe how fast she is growing and how much her personality already shines! She is the cutest girl and we're having so much fun with her.
Love you Berlin!

Sunday, May 20

Water Baby!

Who has the cutest niece on the planet?!
I'm pretty sure we do! :)

Saturday, May 19

Taming the Wild Stang!

Marcel's newest obsession! Today is the day I'm replaced by a machine....!
However, she is beautiful! :)
And she has a nice rear end! ;)

Sunday, May 13

Happy Mother's Day!

What do you even say to your mom on mother's day to sum up all of the love and appreciation you have for her and everything she's done for you in your life.
How do you explain the admiration you have for her. How you've always been amazed by her super powers to heal booboo's with a single kiss, turn your frown upside down with a smile, and make you feel so safe and loved with a single hug. How the miracles she's made come true to be everywhere at once and get everything done on time never cease to surprise you. That she is the one woman you know you can always count on to tell you exactly what you need to hear whether it's what you want or not. How she can always ALWAYS see through your lies even if it's as little as "I'm fine". That she is your hero and you aspire to be as great as her. How she is the most beautiful woman in the world, both inside and out, even if she doesn't think so. That you hope one day to develop that 6th sense she has as well as the pair of eyes she has hiding in the back of her head (I haven't actually seen them but I know they are there!)! How you can always count on her to be there no matter what. That you always know she'll be in your cheer section for whatever you set out to do. How now that you're all grown up and you see her being "human" you admire her even more for her strength. How much you love the friendship you've developed with her now that you're mature enough to see the wisdom in her actions and words and realize she isn't "just being mean"!
 There are so many things that I would love to tell you mom but I'll sum it up in "Thank You SO Much & I Love You more than I'll ever be able to explain"!  

 I've also been blessed with an amazing mother-in-law, which I know is a rarity! I'm so thankful for her kindness and love and for always making me feel like part of the family. She's also raised a wonderful son that I have the privilege of spending forever with!
She has been through so very much in the past few years and through it all she has kept her chin up and pushed forward. What an awesome woman! Thank you for always loving me like one of your own! I love you Uli! 
 HaPpY MoThEr'S DaY!!

Thursday, May 10

Squeaky Clean

Marcel gave Storm and Demon a much needed bath today while I was at work! They look like fluffy puppies! :)