Wednesday, May 23

Avengers Assemble

Last night Marcel and I had our date night. I came home from work, gave him the invitation and a surprise.....glow in the dark Iron Man shirts! Woot woot (made by yours truly)! To give him the shirt I took him in the bathroom (darkest place in the house during the day), had him take off his shirt, put the most awesome shirt he'd ever wear on him, turned off the lights, placed him in front of the mirror and said "Okay now you can open them"! He loved it!
Next we went to dinner at this amazing, not very well known, cute little sushi restaurant in Payson (yes Payson) called the Fuji House (recommended by my cute friend Lacey, thanks chicka!)! The food was so good and the sushi roll we had was DE.LIC.OUS!! The prices aren't bad at all either and the service was great! It's in a cute location on old main street in Payson. Everyone should go there!
After dinner we walked around looking through the windows of a few of the cute shops on that street, went and got our tickets, made a quick Walmart run, then got some pretty good seats for the AVENGERS!!!! this movie is SOOO good! Seriously I wanted to stay and watch it again! It had a great mix of comedy and action and was just amazing!


  1. Those shirts are so cute, go you!!! I'm glad you guys liked the Fuji House! We'll all have to go together sometime! :)

  2. Haha! Thanks! We should for sure! :)

  3. It's official (well it always has been;) that you are the most creative gal I know! LOVE THE SHIRTS!! You're the GREATEST!! :)

  4. You are way too sweet Marianne! Thanks! :)
