Sunday, September 30

Look who's 46!!!

Today was my Dad's 46th birthday! We spent the day in Moroni to celebrate!
There were gifts,
Greatest shirt of all time!
Delicious Taco Soup,
Toby always lays like this on either mine or Marcel's lap when we are eating at other people's houses!
Games (Nertz = best card game EVER!),
It really is! If you haven't played it, you NEED to! So fun!!
and lots of FIRE cake and ice cream!!
Lots of candles! It took a team to light it! ;)
Make a wish!!!
Somewhat marbled cake! SOOO yummy! My momma can cook! :)
 Happy Birthday to the Greatest Dad in the Whole wide World!!!
Love you tons Dad! <3>

Monday, September 24

"Tooooomorrow, Tooomorrow....

....I love ya, Tooomorrow, You're onlyyy a Daaaaay aaaaaaawaaaaaaaaay!!"
Thank you thank you! No applause necessary!
**bow left, bow center, bow right, smile & wave**

Tomorrow is the day we set off to get me my wall-hanger Trophy buck! I've got almost 2 weeks off work so we've got plenty of time to make this happen! 
I'm SOOO excited! It's going to be a lot of work but I am so looking forward to it! We've got a few that we found on the Bow hunt that we're hiking in after and if that doesn't work out we have a very nice 4 point "back-up" buck (which for now I'm nicknaming "Second Chance"!) at a different location. He's easier to get to but he's not as big as these other guys! We'll see what happens. Either way I'm planning on having a very happy post to follow up on this one!
Wish me luck! :)

Sunday, September 23

One Whole Year!!

Today marks 1 year since Marcel graduated from the SLCFD's Fire Academy and officially became Firefighter Braun!
He still loves this job just as much if not more than when he first started! It's been such a blessing and I'm so proud of him for doing what he does. He truly is my hero!
I love you tons Hun! :) 

Monday, September 17

HaPpY mOnDaY!!!

I don't know about the rest of you, but Mondays make me CrAzY!!!
By the end of the day I've completely lost it!
 But I want you all to know (even if there are only two people that ever read this....) we will make it to Tuesday! And.....
Happy Monday Everyone!!

Sunday, September 16

Couch Potatoe!

As I'm sure you've noticed by now Sundays tend to be our "lazy days"!
However scouting is usually included in our "laziness"!
2 more weeks until my hunt!!!!!! Whoop whoop!!

Friday, September 14

Damsel in Shining Armor...

...Clumsily rescuing my Knight in Distress!
Today while I was sitting at work, I received a phone call that I never thought I'd EVER get. Marcel called me to tell me that he had run out of gas on the freeway! Yes you read that right, Marcel.Ran.Out.Of.Gas!!! So, being the heroine that I am, I rushed to his rescue! I ran home, got an empty gas can, hustled to get it filled at the Maverik in Santaquin, then went in search of my Knight! When I stopped at the light to get back on the freeway I got a strong whiff of gasoline but didn't think much of it considering where I had just come from. I drove down the freeway and saw Marcel's car pulled to the side of the road to which I pulled in behind him.
Marcel saw me in his rear view mirror, got out of the car, and walked towards the truck with a big smirk on his face that said "I know, I know"! I watched him walk around to the back of the truck where the gas can lay and saw his shoulders slump. I instantly knew what he was seeing, which he confirmed when he came around to the window to tell me it had spilled all over the truck bed. *sigh*, just my luck.
He took the can and made a feeble attempt to pour the remaining drops into his tank, which actually worked.....a little! The Mustang started after a minute of persuading and I followed him to the next exit, where the car ran out of gas for a 2nd time at the bottom of the off-ramp, a mear 100-200yrds away from the gas station!! FOR.THE.LOVE!!!!
We each pulled off of the road and I sat with the car, head held in shame, while Marcel took the truck to fill up the gas can, again, and bring it back to the poor Mustang.
This time it didn't spill, because he put the cap on the correct way, and he was able to fill up the Mustang enough to make the long 1 block journey to the gas station!
Yeah....I'm not the greatest rescuer, but I sure do try! We're already laughing about this and I now know how to put the cap back on a gas tank!!!

Wednesday, September 12

Look who's all grown up! **tear**

Austen's Freshman picture came today. My mom went to put it in his frame and took a little trip down memory lane. She decided to invite me along via text!
And finally:
I honestly teared up a bit looking back at these! What a handsome boy! I just love this little guy (who is now WAY taller than me....)!
Also, he already has girls chasing after him! Just look at him though! These girls are swooning! Haha! I really am not sure how I feel about this at this time.....I'll get back to you in like 6 more years....!
One of Austen's notebooks, obviously! ;)

Saturday, September 8

I now pronounce you....

Today a very dear friend of ours got married! It was a beautiful ceremony and we couldn't be happier for these two! They are so perfect for each other and it is so cute to see them both so happy and in love!
On our way to the ceremony! So beautiful!
"I Love to see the Temple, I'm going there someday......"
Beautiful Ceremony!
What a beautiful Family! We just love them!! {Pictures via facebook}
Congrats Brett & Braidie Hansen!!
{Picture via facebook}
On a completely separate subject, today was also my 5 year class reunion. I wasn't able to go because of reasons above but I was totally fine with that because how much do you really change in 5 years?!
Okay so some people and life change quite a bit, and it would've been fun to see everyone again all in the same place. I'll make a bigger effort to get the the 10 year Reunion!
Go NS Hawks - Class of 2007!!! ;)
{Picture via NSH school page}

We stopped in Moroni on our way home from the wedding and upon remenicing of old school days I decided to bust out my clarinet to see if I "still got it"! The answer to that is......not so much!  Haha! But it was fun anyway! I think everyone was glad when I finally decided I was done trying (much like when I was first learning how to play it!)!
Picture taken with a phone so it isn't a very clear one....but maybe that is for the best! ;)