Wednesday, September 29

Random Events

Here's a post with some random pictures of random things in our life lately.
Here's an awesome shirt that Pascal got for Marcel! He saw this at the store and couldn't resist getting it for him because it is SOOO true! Really though it doesn't interrupt our marriage too bad because we both enjoy! Oh well it's still an awesome shirt!

We found this sweet hat at Sportsmen's in Provo. It was on a mannequin and I snatched it as soon as I saw it (but paid for it of course)! It is my favorite hat and I just love it!

I also got this shoulder strap to go with my guns! Love it too!

I went to my parents house for a visit the other day and they barbecued hot dogs for dinner. Well Jessica is very conscious about what she eats (not like she needs to be because she looks great!) so she had a turkey dog while the rest of us had a good ol' American hot dog! You can see the difference! She was able to fit 2 turkey dogs in 1 bun and it was still smaller! I wish I had has much willpower as Jes but I just love my food too darn much!

The other night Marcel dished us up some ice cream and this is what I saw when he handed me my bowel! What a sweety! I LoVe ThAt MaN!

We found Toby a Halloween costume at the Payson Walmart and it's FaNtAsTiC! It's a dog wig and a little hoodie that says "Lil' Monster". He looks so darn cute in it, don't you agree?! He's not a big fan of the wig but he'll have to wear it when it's time to dress up again!

The other day the sun was super red from the big fire south of Nephi. Marcel was able to snap this cool picture. It's so crazy that the smoke from the fire affects the sun like that.
That's all for now!

1 comment:

  1. What fun pictures!! I love Toby's cute little costume! The sun one is awesome...I wished I would have taken a picture of it was a little spooky though. :) Oh and by the way you are the most beautiful hunter I have ever seen!!! :)
