Saturday, June 9

3-Alarm Fire

Marcel's station was awoken by the Station Alarm paging them to a fire.
Pic. sent to me by Marcel via text. Kinda scary to wake up to!!
They rotated stations to take care of the fire and had to go back later for mop up. It made for an eventful day!
Pic. via text from Marcel of "clean up"! ;)
The fire made KSL (more pictures there):
"SALT LAKE CITY — A grass fire burned about two acres Saturday morning.
The fire, the cause of which is unknown, started just before 6 a.m. Love Communications was filming in inside bar and music venue, The Garage, at 1199 N. Beck Street in Salt Lake when one of the crew members noticed the fire behind the building. The salvage yard containing old tires and cars, as well as railroad ties had caught fire.

Pics courtesy of KSL
"It got really intense at the end, people were yelling because the heat was so intense and then all of a sudden, it's like it's not worth it anymore," said Preston Wood, who was filming with Love Communications.
The back end of The Garage, where the office is, caught fire, but firefighters quickly extinguished it and removed computer equipment and filing cabinets before they caught fire. The bar is expected to be closed for about two weeks. Saturday night's show will be moved to the Gallivan Center.
The fire, which was called in as a grass fire, turned into a three-alarm fire, and crews were concerned with the blaze spreading to a nearby Tesoro oil refinery. The refinery's private fire department was called in to help with preventative measures.
No injuries were reported as a result of the blaze.
Investigators have yet to determine the cause of the fire, and are looking to the video of the filming crew that reported the fire for possible leads. The Salt Lake City Fire Department was on scene for most of the day monitoring for rekindling."

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