Tuesday, November 2

Self Challenge

This comic is so true to life! I laughed so hard when I saw it and had to send it to Marcel who also cracked up at it! It's like they drew this after us! I am always complaining about my weight and the way I look (even if it's in my head) so I'm deciding that instead of just complaining about it without any change, I'm going to do something about it.
A while ago Marcel and I bought this...
We'd watched the infomercials (okay I did) and I talked (begged) Marcel into letting us get it to try. It sells online for like $80-$100 but we found it brand new and unopened on KSL for $50! I started at it and I enjoy the workouts because they kick your butt and Tony (the main man) is hilarious! He also has an awesome saying to really stick by when working out which is "Do your best and forget the rest." I have just become lazy and I can definitely tell the difference. Physically I've just never been in a happy place so I'm going to try....no, I AM going to change that. I'm posting this publicly in a further attempt to hold myself accountable for this goal.
I CAN do this. I don't have an unrealistic goal. I just want to be tight and fit in order to be healthier and feel better about myself. I am tired of feeling limited to activities because of my body. Boating is my most favorite summer activity yet I dread it every year because of my self conciousness. Well no more. It's time to stop talking about it and start doing it.
People do it all the time at every age so I have no excuses. These are the golden years and it's time to let them shine!
I started up this work out program again yesterday and I'm going to do my best to stick to it. I WILL change and it is going to be great!


  1. Jen my love, You look Great!!! I really wished you lived closer!! I would totally be your work out buddy!! he he

  2. You really do look great! I have his 10 minute trainer and love it! Anthony and I have actually been doing pretty good at it lately. I have got to lose my baby weight plus some!!

  3. SERIOUSLY, I want this SO bad!!! You let me know how it goes :) P.S.- You dont need to lose any weight. You are a skinny minnie :)
