Monday, October 18


On Saturday, 10/16/10, we got to go to Frightmares Lagoon (thanks again mom and dad)! We had SOOO much fun! Originally it was going to be me, Marcel, Jes, and Austen but that morning Jessica woke up sick so we had Austen's bestest buddy Trevor come instead. I was really bummed that Jes didn't come but you can't help but laugh most of the time you are with those two goobers!
The first haunted house we went in was called "Lockdown". It was the scariest of all of them and I was forced into the front! I had voted to be in the middle which was agreed on by everyone and then I some how ended up in the front and couldn't move because Austen had a death grip on the hood of my hoodie! I got so scared that I cried (okay my eyes teared up with fear but there was no water flow)! Yes I know I'm a pansy but it was dang scary! I can't handle people making scary noises right in my face! Stupid scary people! Anyway we made it out alive and I managed to recover!
You better believe I wasn't going to go first again in any of the other haunted houses! Austen went first in the one called "Deception" and Trevor went first in "Fun House". Marcel and I were laughing so hard we could barely walk and my cheeks ached! These two cracked us up to no end! Austen did pretty well but Trevor fought being in front the entire time! When we came out of Fun House Trevor was all for going into another one and requested to be first because it was fun! What a goof!
During Frightmares they have people that are dressed up for Halloween just walking around the park and the whole place is decked out for the holiday! These crazy chainsaw guys and gals are there every year! They are my favorite! They do a dance performance every few hours once it starts to get dark and they are great dancers! Right before their performance a few of them were walking around giving people up front a high-5 and one of the men stopped in the corner we were standing at in the front and gave every one a high-5 then stopped and me, took my hand and caressed it! The group of girls next to us were jealous and voiced it and Marcel, who had his arms around me the whole time, was like "Hey!" and then he let go and moved on! So silly! There's also this Monster Mash gang that performs every year too! They are awesome and their songs are pretty catchy! Even Marcel was singing them afterwords! They sing and dance and are really good at both! One of the songs the guys sang was about the pretty girl on the corner (no not a "pretty woman" song!) and they all lined up and pointed at me during one of the chorus's! I had my camera out and was taking pictures but when they all pointed at me I froze and didn't get one! I am so mad at myself for that but it is a funny memory anyway!
So just a little side note, that group of girls next to us (who were at least my age if not a little older) had one girl in particular that the wolf man was flirting with HARD CORE during the entire performance! It was awkward! Every hip thrust, tongue lick and wink was directed at her and everyone knew because the group of girls would scream every single time. Between that and the Chainsaw performance I would've thought we were in Vegas! Good grief!

There were SO many people there because it was the Saturday of UEA weekend so we only ended up going on about 5 rides but we had a blast!
This silly Kangaroo wouldn't get up for anything!
These two got SOAKED on this ride! They had the water on full blast! I honestly have never seen that much water coming off the waterfalls before! It was hilarious to watch! They were in this raft with 2 other people (a father and son) who they didn't know, and Austen and Trevor were climbing over them trying to escape the water, to no avail! Like I said, hilarious!
This thing is awesome! A few years ago when Marcel and I were at Frightmares taking pictures on this thing there was a little girl with her mom who innocently asked "Mommy, is that Jesus?"! We couldn't stop laughing and her mom couldn't help but chuckle while reassuring her it wasn't!
They didn't get as wet on the log ride (as if they could get any more wet than they already were)! They have a little pioneer village in Lagoon and Marcel had fun in the gun museum!
You can't go to Lagoon any other time once you've been to Frightmares!

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