Sunday, June 16

**Father's Day**

This morning Toby and I headed to Moroni (Marcel had to work) and went to Sacrament with my family (well, I did, Toby stayed at the house.....obviously...!) because Austen had to speak! He was asked to talk about his experience with the Youth Conference trip they just went on. He did such a great job and had the entire congregation laughing! As he was up there doing his thing I was just looking at him and it hit me how much he's grown, not just physically, but mentally and spiritually. He is such an amazing kid and is growing into an even more amazing man!
After church we went back to my parents house. While we waited for my mom to come home (she was in charge of Sharing Time with the Primary today) the rest of us relaxed and listened to Jes play the piano (have I mentioned how ridiculously talented she is?! Oh I have? Well alright then, you know what I'm saying!)!
While she was playing we had some I had some fun with pictures!
When my mom got home she shared some family history that she recently discovered. It turns out that a lot of our ancestors came from Germany (among many other places such as France, Ireland, etc.) and the last name "Braun" is in there. You have to go back 5 or 6 generations but it's there! This made my mom laugh because I have said since I married Marcel that I chose a man from Germany just to be sure we weren't related (my Grandma W. was always telling me everyone we were related to when I was growing up)! So that kind of put a damper on that! I'm finding comfort in knowing that "Braun" is a very common last name in Germany so there is a huge possibility that we are just fine but..........dang!! Haha!
After a few rounds of Nerts (we are a bit obsessed with this card game!) we headed to my Westenskow Grandparents house for a BBQ!
Everything was delicious and it was fun visiting them for a while!
I had a great day with my family, as I always do when we get together! I love them all so much and I honestly don't know what I'd do without them! We really missed Marcel though. Hopefully next year he won't be working (and hopefully we can celebrate it a little differently....!).
Happy Father's Day Dad!
I love you so much and am so thankful for the example you have set for us and for all the hard work and sacrifices you've made for us throughout our life! You are seriously the greatest!!!

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