Sunday, October 14

Quack Attack!

Marcel and I have decided to get involved in another area of hunting: Waterfowl. We dabbled in it a bit last year but we are going all out this year (within reason)! So today we headed north to get our stylish waders (no pictures, I know, you're disappointed, but that's not happening....yet!)! Marcel ordered some decoys online that will be coming soon so we are now set!
On our way home Marcel took me to a place in Springville that is swarming with Waterfowl!
There are birds EVERYWHERE!! There was a family that came by to feed them bread and they were stampeded!
It totally freaked the little kids out at first! It was funny to watch!
On our way out we pulled over to look at some more of them and they started gathering right next to the car expecting food! Sorry to disappoint quack quacks, no food here!
 It was so much fun to watch them all interact and swim around! They really are goofy animals!
Side note: On the way back home from seeing the birds we got a good view of how much snow is already in the mountains.
 As long as it stays up there, we're good! Snow away mountains!!
Thanks to my hubby for a fun outing!
I love him SOOO much!

1 comment:

  1. This is where we go to feed the ducks! It's close to our house!
