Tuesday, December 7

You're my favorite thing!

After discovering this awesome blog, I've decided that I need to do more for my hard working hubby. I came across this post and decided to try it!
"You're one of my favorite things" is 5 days of surprising your man with a few of his favorite things and then ending the week with a fun date! I had a blast doing this for Marcel and I'm sure he enjoyed it too!

Day 1- 12/6/10:Pampering
I surprised Marcel with a body massage! Candlelit room with dimmed lights, a movie playing for him to watch while relaxing, and man smelling lotion for the massaging! I ended up putting all the candles out before starting because they made him nervous (being the fireman he is he says they're dangerous) and I wanted him to relax! I'm definitely not a master masseuse and my weak hands don't last long so I didn't feel that I did that great of a job and the lotion started clumping off after a little while (I recommend oil if you're doing a long massage because your skin can only soak in so much lotion before it gets gross), but Marcel enjoyed it and said I did a good job (he's too nice sometimes)!

Day 2- 12/7/10:Favorite Candy Bar
I snuck out after the massage and put the second surprise in Marcel's car for him to find when he left for work the next morning! Where he leaves so early (4:45ish in the a.m.) I knew I wouldn't be able to get out of bed so I planned ahead. He loved the surprise and sent me a thank you text!

Day 3- 12/8/10:Favorite Drink
I put the third surprise in the refrigerator for Marcel to find when he came home from work! Again, he loved it!

Day 4-12/9/10:Let's be honest...!
This surprise took some explaining! It's a penny jar. Most people get them when they are first married but we missed out so I decided we'd start one now! I threw this together in a little over an hour (which I hope isn't obvious) and was happy with the way it turned out! Here is where I got my inspiration!

Day 5- 12/10/10: Favorite Hobby
I was SO excited for this surprise! To prep I went online, found and printed out different animals that Marcel would like to hunt, colored them (with crayons!), cut them out, laminated them, cut them out again, and then colored, cut, and glued targets on them. On Tuesday night I met my dad in FG where he brought me 2 of Austen's Nerf guns with the "bullets" (incidentally when meeting my dad, Toby locked me out of the car, which was running, with my phone in the drink holder so I couldn't call Marcel for the door code and my dads phone wasn't working so he drove me to the gas station to call Marcel for the code. You better believe I have that code memorized now!) so we could go "hunting"! Since it was one of Marcel's days off he started the deer roast (which tastes a LOT better than it sounds, trust me) so we could have it for dinner that night. Once I got off work we had to make a quick Walmart run but when we got home I exiled him and Toby to the other side of the house while I finished setting up. It turned out great!
I placed the targets randomly around the room and built a "hunting blind" out of our couch, blankets, and camping table! We sat in the blind and ate our deer roast while watching some hunting movies! It was so fun! After dinner we had a shooting contest and I ended up winning! I hit 6 targets and Marcel hit 5 (in all fairness his gun ended up being a little bit faulty so we'll blame the final score on that (; !).
We converted the couch to a bed for movie watching and ice cream eating (FYI: these little individual ice cream servings are available at Walmart and they're cheap and AwEsOmE! Just saying!)!
We had a blast and I loved doing this for him!

On a side note, I was having a bit of a rough day on Thursday and Marcel surprised me with some beautiful flowers at work "Just Because" which he delivered himself! I love him so much! He really is the greatest!

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