Thursday, July 4

Happy Birthday America!

The 4th started bright and early! Toby and I headed to Moroni (Marcel had to work) and got ready for the day by sporting some patriotism (well not Toby, it was too hot to dress him up)!
After everyone was dressed and fed we headed to the traditional Moroni City Parade and made it in time for the ping-pong ball drop!
There was a cute little baby boy band that went through the parade singing and playing their precious little hearts out! It gave me a good chuckle! So cute! Perhaps they will go far.....make little Moroni proud boys!
One float was spraying water at everyone, which I didn't appreciate so much....but the kids LOVED it!
 There was one float in particular that was throwing out buckets of candy! Jes and I decided it was so that no one would forget who they were, but to be honest, I have no idea where they were from because I was so focused on the huge amount of candy that littered the streets! So much for that business plan....but thanks whoever you are for the generous amount of candy! :)
 We had gathered so much candy, filling one of our chairs, that a man behind us was kind enough to give us a plastic grocery sack to put it all in! We were completely unprepared concidering we were relying on Austen and his pal Keston to do the candy collecting, and them being in high school now makes candy collecting less cool.....! But I'd say they did pretty awesome! 
After the parade it was time to start preparing the much anticipated 4th of July grub!
Dad doing his grill thing (he's a master griller, for real!)!
 Mom and Jes finishing up the other dishes! Aren't they totally gorgeous?!
 This was mine and Toby's contribution.......
Selfies.....yep, we're slackers!
Everything tasted absolutely mouth wateringly delicious as usual! And, as per usual, we all stuffed ourselfs to the brim with all of this yumminess! Totally worth it! (Sorry if you're one of those poeple who get totally grossed out when your food may want to skip looking at this next picture! I do not have that problem one bit!)
After the food settled a bit we played a few games to pass the time. One that we played was called "Rummikub", and if you haven't played it yet you are missing out! It's a good game that requires strategy and using your brain! So fun!
 Another one we played was the infamous "Pictionary"! This game ALWAYS makes us laugh until we have tears running down our cheeks! Looking at these scribbles now, I couldn't even guess what they are supposed to be, but they work in the moment!
 As the sun began to set we headed out on the deck to relax and wait for the firework show!
 To take up a little bit of time we played with some of these classic things! It's not the 4th without Snaps (or in this case, Pop-Its!)!
 Finally dark enough for the fireworks to start! After eyes being adjusted to the dark, the flash was a little too bright! Haha! :)
 Fireworks are always fun to watch and these were no exception! I may or may not have gotten a bit carried away with taking pictures of them.......but now you can enjoy them like you were there with us!
 After the fireworks were over, my dad discovered that some kids had set some firecrackers or something off by their front door........stupid kids. People, control your young for crying out loud!!!
Other than the small vandalism, it was a really great day (other than Marcel having to work....)! I love my family so much and love spending time with them!
I am so proud to be an American and I'm so greatful for all of the men and women who sacrificed and continue to sacrifice so much for us to have the freedoms we do. I'm also thankful for Firemen like my hubby along with other service men and women that have to be away from their families on holidays like these to keep other families safe. This holiday makes my heart swell with pride!
Happy Birthday America!! 

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