Tuesday, February 15

Toby's new do/VaLeNtInE's DaY!

Toby was in SERIOUS need of a hair cut. I mean REALLY serious need! He looked like one of those surfer boys that always have their hair in their eyes so whenever they look at anything they have to tip their heads up extra far to see under it! Yeah it was bad! After calling around to a few different dog grooming places we decided we'd just save $35 and try it ourselves! So I held Toby while Marcel used the cheap buzzer we have (you know the $10 ones that come with the different length attachments that don't always work that great) to cut his hair. Toby was SO good the entire time! He held still and stayed at whatever angle we needed him to. When all was said and done, I would say Marcel did an awesome job! Toby looks so cute and we can see his adorable puppy eyes again! I'm sure Toby is happy to be able to see clearly again too!
On Valentine's Day morning after getting ready and while Marcel was sleeping I hid little random love notes all over the house and in cars for him to find as he went throughout his day!
{love notes}
I even had one on my back for him to find when he hugged me when he got home! It was fun and it made him smile! I got off work early so that I could get home to finish up my Vday surprise while Marcel was out shed hunting! I found this idea on my all time favorite Dating Diva website and somewhat made it my own.
On the front door at the beginning of the string!
 I tied a string leading from the front door, upstairs through a few rooms, downstairs into the computer room, bedroom, closet, bathroom, kitchen

and ending in the living room in front of his present (keep in mind that all the rooms on the main floor connect through doors so this wasn't too difficult)! He wasn't too excited about following the string everywhere (he had that 'guy' attitude going on) but I enjoyed watching him gather it all up! It made me laugh, especially with his grumbling!
For his present I put a little basket together because 'I love him with all of my senses'!
Marcel was surprised when he opened the Reeses to find a little carved love message!
The basket wasn't super big so I put the leftovers of the different items that wouldn't fit in a brown paper gift bag.
I also added a cute little key chain I made him! He love's it! (That's Toby helping him open it!)
For Marcel's gift to me he made his DeLiCiOuS chicken enchiladas for dinner! Oh man I can't even tell you how sinfully scrumptious these are! Love them!
After dinner we were sitting down to watch a movie when the pager went off for a house fire and Marcel had to go. That was around 8pm and he didn't get back until about 11:30pm as I was crawling into bed. He felt really bad that he was gone for so long, and I won't lie I was acting kinda bratty because I was upset that he was gone all night but I told him I knew what I was signing up for by marrying a fireman. Plus right before dinner I had started feeling sick, like when your getting a really bad cold and you feel exhausted/achy and just bleh, so I slept pretty much the entire time he was gone.
Over all we had a Happy Valentine's Day and I love having this awesome guy to share it with (even if it was only a few hours!)!

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