Saturday, January 26

"Hockety pockety wockety wack...

....abracabra dabra nack
Shrink in size very small
we've got to save enough room for all
Higitus Figitus migitus mum
 (Disney will understand my song reference!)
We spent most of the day (with breaks here and there) putting our movies in CD cases. I don't exaggerate at all when I tell you that we have over 500 DVD/Bluray's.
It's kind of embarrassing how many movies we have! The first year or two we were married we went through a movie buying frenzy, craze, obsession, ....phase...! We had an entire bookshelf full of movies taking up space in the living room and decided we wanted a change so I found a great deal on some CD holder books and bought 4! We now have the movies in genre books and it's so nice!
Now what to do with that book shelf.....

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