Saturday, January 26

"Hockety pockety wockety wack...

....abracabra dabra nack
Shrink in size very small
we've got to save enough room for all
Higitus Figitus migitus mum
 (Disney will understand my song reference!)
We spent most of the day (with breaks here and there) putting our movies in CD cases. I don't exaggerate at all when I tell you that we have over 500 DVD/Bluray's.
It's kind of embarrassing how many movies we have! The first year or two we were married we went through a movie buying frenzy, craze, obsession, ....phase...! We had an entire bookshelf full of movies taking up space in the living room and decided we wanted a change so I found a great deal on some CD holder books and bought 4! We now have the movies in genre books and it's so nice!
Now what to do with that book shelf.....

Monday, January 21

We've got a 3 year old!!!

I can't believe this little ball of fur is already 3!!
Although, according to this he's 29!
He's a crazy little guy and we wouldn't trade him for anything!
Tuckered out after a fun birthday!
Love you Toby, Tobes, Tobester, Toby-woby, Toby-one-canoby, etc.!

Saturday, January 19

Water Fowl Finale!

Today was the last day of Water Fowl hunting and we took full advantage. It was FrEeZiNg (well, below freezing actually) and it showed! We had ice on our brows and lashes!
After walking around for a little while without much luck (we got a couple shots off but I was too excited and forgot to aim so they all missed...!), 
we decided to bunker down in an area where we had seen some ducks flying by. While we sat and froze our buns off patiently waited for some action, we got to enjoy a "Discovery Channel" worthy encounter! We had a hawk fly in and feast on a frozen carcass (sorry, that's not the most pleasant word, but that's what it was, and they don't sugar coat things on the Discovery Channel!).
 Other than the Hawk and a few dozen tweety birds, there was nothing. We could hear shots being fired in the distance but they weren't spooking anything our way. A bit discouraging...but I wanted a picture of us together anyway and as you can see, the smile doesn't reach my eyes and Marcel didn't really bother to even pretend to smile! :)
 We had a good time regardless of coming back to the truck empty handed. We always enjoy spending time together in the outdoors! Besides, this was our first year in this area of hunting and although it was pretty discouraging at times, we learned a whole lot. Next year we'll be ready and we're going to bring it!
Until next year Quack Quacks!!

Thursday, January 17


Marcel got his first Pintail duck!
He was so excited to finally get one of these guys! He told me that it was the same excitement he would get shooting a big buck, and that's pretty dang excited! Haha! We're going to have him mounted and added to the "Trophy Wall" (more like Trophy "Room"!)!
He also got a Hen and Mallard Shoveler! Toby thought they were....interesting...!
Don't you just love his sexy Missionary comb over?! Love Beanie hair!
Great job hun! :)

Monday, January 14


Tanker hauling gasoline bursts into flames along I-15
SCIPIO — I-15 in central Utah has reopened after a tanker hauling gasoline exploded Sunday near Scipio, sending flames high into the air along the freeway. Utah Highway Patrol officials said that a semi trailer had been hauling a tanker and a pup, a smaller trailer, on I-15 at about mile marker 202 when the pup caught fire. A call reporting a rollover and explosion came into Juab County officials at about 7:30 p.m. Crews contained the fire around 9:30 p.m., successfully preventing the fire from spreading to a second tanker and causing another explosion. Fire crews said fighting the blaze was difficult because freezing temperatures made the ground very slick. The driver was not seriously injured, according to tweets from the Department of Public Safety. Witness Hillary Stewart said she drove past the tanker as it burned. "Even though we didn't have any windows open, we could still feel the heat from the enormous flame," she said in an email. I-15 was closed in both directions between Scipio and Nephi but has since reopened.
This is where my husband was last night. So glad everyone was safe! They just froze their buns off!

Sunday, January 13


I finally got my first duck!!!
We got 2 hen Shovelers overall (Marcel shot one and I shot the other). It was FREEEEEEEZING but we had a good time!

Friday, January 11

Creamer Addict!

My galpal Kelsey may have a bit of a Creamer hording problem.............! ;)

Thursday, January 10


I think they are both in desperate need of a haircut......!

Wednesday, January 9


Marcel got a Mallard!!!
He's a big boy too! Awesome job hun!!

Wednesday, January 2

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs!

Me + Spaghetti + New Favorite White Sweater =
Yep...this happened.
We almost always sit on the couch and eat in front of the TV (I know, don't judge!). I usually always put my plate on the coffee table, sit and adjust pillows and everything so i can sit comfortably, then grab my plate and commence eating. For whatever ridiculous reason I decided to hang on to my plate while sitting down and adjusting, however I got as far as sit down and turn to grab the pillow when.....
*Sigh*....I'm pretty sure my sweater is toast...
And I got some burns from the dang green peppers.
But I showed that Spaghetti who was boss in the end and ate it anyway! ;)