Friday, July 29

Can you GQ?!

So yesterday during drills the instructors were pulling people to the side 2 at a time. Marcel wasn't paying attention to why because he was focused but after a while they called him over last. They told him that they were doing a GQ pose contest and that they picked their 2 favorite guys poses out of everyone to go up against him (yes they were being totally serious! If they laugh, they are punished so you can only imagine! Also they were all in their full turnout gear). They asked him where he wanted to go in the order and he chose 2nd so he could see what they were wanting from the 1st guys pose.
The 1st guy was up. He leaned his arm against the fork lift, stuck out his hip, threw his jacket over his shoulder and smoldered at the Instructors/Judges! Now Marcel had an idea of what was expected.

"Okay, Braun, you're up. If you can beat these guys with your pose you'll be the winner of the entire contest."

Without missing a beat, and he claims he has NO idea where the idea came from {insert eye roll}, Marcel took off his turnout coat, slid the suspenders off his shoulders and let them dangle at his sides, unzipped the front of the turnout pants, cocked his hips to the side and gave what I imagine to be a masculine "Come to me" sort of stare/glare.

The instructors all instantly reacted with "wow"s and "Holy [Cow] Braun"s! One instructor made the statement "Holy [Smokes] Braun that almost turned me gay!", another said something to the affect of "I think I need to go have a cigarette now or something, Dang!", another said "You take this stuff home and practice don't you Braun!" (this of course is untrue but I'm not going to lie.....I've imagined it, and it would be AwEsOmE ;) ! Haha!)! All comments were in awe of what a sexy GQ pose he pulled!

Now it was the 3rd guys turn and the instructors dared him to top that. He bravely took an axe, turned sideways, threw the axe over his shoulder flexing his muscles and seductively looked to the instructors for a ruling.

"Not even close!!" was I think the over-all reaction of the "judges"! Marcel ended up winning the contest and was embarrassed when the other guys asked him what the pose was! He was even embarrassed when I tried to get him to show me the pose (which he didn't do *eye roll*)! I guess the instructors have given Marcel the nickname "Phobio"! Lol! Marcel really hopes that dies off FAST! (Small update: His nickname changed from Phobio to GQ! Not so bad ;) !)

{Teehee! Don't tell Marcel I put this picture up! I don't think he would be very happy about it ;)! }

That's just a glimpse at the fun they happen to have once in a while at this Fire Academy!

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