Monday, January 31

Toby is 1!

I can't believe our little Tobster turned 1 on Jan. 21, 2011! That year went by so fast! I still remember the day we brought him home! He was so tiny and so innocent...we had no idea what we were in for!

He has continued growing and making us laugh since the day he joined our little family!
I'm not gonna lie, there have been MANY times that I have lost it with him because he does something naughty and doesn't listen to me (especially when he's outside, which is the worse time for your dog to develop selective dog owners know EXACTLY what I'm talking about!) but then he looks at you with his little puppy eyes and the ice on your heart just melts! We love that little guy no matter how crazy he makes us!
Toby at 1 year old you have a little more than doubled in size and your color has gone from really dark brown to silver (with more white on your head and a tanish spot on your back!). You can jump REALLY high, seriously, we don't even have to bend down to pick you up you jump right into our arms! You don't chew things up as much anymore (which we are oh so grateful for) but you still can't control pulling the stuffing out of some of your toys. You still LOVE cuddling, which we also love (it definitely helps curb my baby hunger!)!

You love falling asleep under the covers either right between us or down by our feet but after a while you end up out of the covers and I usually wake up to you cuddling against my back while I cuddle up to daddy's back! You love eating ANYTHING that we eat, honestly, we attempted giving you pop rocks once and you didn't even hesitate in taking them and wanting more! You are awesome at holding it until we take you outside at our house, other peoples houses....not so much! You have learned the command "sit" and "shake" which you do very well when there is a treat involved! We love how excited you are to see us every time we come home whether we were gone for hours or minutes, your reaction is the same!

In the last few months you have discovered your tail, which is HILARIOUS to watch you chase and even catch and tug on! You love people and you always make them smile and love you in return! You tend to get these random bursts of energy and run around the house like a little psycho, which is also very funny to watch! I think that you like to hear yourself bark....a lot! You always make such funny noises when you're trying to get us to play with you and you've been nicknamed and Ewock because of it! You're very good at playing fetch even to the point where you'll place the toy right in our hand! You also like to toss things around, like your rawhides, and you're getting pretty good with your distance! You are spoiled rotten, which is okay I think! You are such a great little dog and we love you so very much!
When we were trying to decide between you and your siblings we were drawn to you because of your playfulness, energy and adorable face! We have never regretted our decision in choosing you even though I went puppy searching really wanting a little girl! You have proved that boys are just as fun and we wouldn't trade you for anything! You have challenged us and helped us (or at least me) grow as people. You are definitely helping me to work on my patience, which I like to think is getting better, so thanks! We plan on celebrating MANY more birthdays with you so plan on sticking around!

Monday, January 3

Prehistoric Adventure!

I got a fun date idea from this Dating Diva's Post and turned it into my own! Marcel LOVES the Jurassic Park movies so I thought it might be fun to use that as the theme of our movie marathon date! I really wanted to get some shirts but didn't want to pay $20 for each one so I decided to get a bit crafty! I printed the logo off of the Internet, used an exacto-knife to cut out the parts I wanted to paint, pulled out a black pj shirt of mine and Marcel's, pinned, painted and viola!

And the best part is that it didn't cost a dime!

I made this invitation and stuck it on the front door so Marcel would get it when he came home from work,

decorated our entry doors like the entry to Jurassic Park (sorta!),

and attempted to make some Pterodactyls!

He got home, saw the invitation, then came and climbed into bed for some much needed sleep. When we finally got up around 11:30 (I was pretty tired too!) I made pancakes (I was going to cut them into dinosaur shapes but Marcel just wanted plain round ones). They were pretty tasty! Next he opened his present with our shirts in it!

Then we watched the first Jurassic Park movie! We haven't seen them in a while so it was fun! After the movie was over we went deer spotting and then came home and I made Hawaiian Haystacks for dinner which turned out to be DeLiCiOuS (sorry no pictures, we scarfed it down pretty fast!)! At this point it was getting late so we decided not to continue our prehistoric adventure and just relaxed watching some regular TV. We needed to get up sooner to get all 3 watched in one day but what can I say, we love our sleep! It was still fun though! Marcel admitted to being a bit hesitant to go into the living room when he saw the door because of what I did to it for the last date I planned but I didn't rearrange anything for this one! I was a bit lame...!

I have fun doing stuff like this to surprise him and I think he enjoys it too' which is good because I have more planned for the future...mwahaha! ;)

2011: The beginning of a new Decade!

For New Years Eve we slept in because we both had the day off! Then we got ready and headed over to Moroni for some games (Austen's awesome Kinect) scrumptious food (steak and shrimp, Mmmmm!) and a good movie (Sorcerer's Apprentice, a must see!)! We then headed home and hung out for a bit before going to bed around 10:30.

We watched the ball drop at 10 and counted that as our celebration!

Marcel had to work on New Years Day so that's why we turned in so early. We were then woke up at midnight by the fireworks that they set off here in Nephi! At that point I was too tired to get out of bed to see them but I could spot little glints of colorful light through our blinds! The big blasts from them freaked Toby out a bit so it took a little while to calm him down to go back to sleep! So I suppose, in a way, we were awake to bring in the New Year! Hopefully next year will be a bit more eventful! We still had fun though!

This year sure has gone by fast! I can't believe it's already gone but here's to a new start for a new year. May it be full and prosperous for everyone!