We LOVE Stampede weekend here in Nephi! No sarcasm, we really do!
We didn't do anything Stampede-wise Thursday. Not a whole lot going on that night anyway other than the horse parade and rodeo. Friday the clinic closed early at 3 for the Mammoth Parade (oh yeah! Us Nephites take this Stampede business very seriously! It's like a Nephi Holiday!) so I got to go home and we got our chairs out to watch the 70+ entries for the parade!
I know this is kind of a creeper thing, but I couldn't help taking a picture of this adorable little cowboy! He took his chair right out to the edge of the road and would stand when the floats were throwing candy, and sit and rest when they weren't. Smart kid!
It was REALLY hot so Marcel took Toby home after 20 minutes or so because you could tell he was miserable (we didn't have any shade) and he came back with popsicles! Woot woot! It was hot but it was a good parade!
Saturday was our big stampede day! Marcel entered the Stang into the car show so we spent the first part of the day there. We were worried the weather wouldn't be good enough to even go but we woke up Saturday morning to Sunshine so everything was a go! I got to watch my man wax his car while I stood there getting sunburned enjoying the view (so much help I know but in my defense I offered to help and he kindly declined)!
A few other cool cars and a motorcycle!
Half way through the car show my family came over! The boys stayed at the car show and us girls headed to Lake Shore for my cousin Ashley's Bridal shower. We were there visiting a little longer than origionally planned and the car show awards ceremony started early so we missed it. Marcel took second in his class, which we still can't figure out why, but that's okay!
After the car show we just relaxed at our house, ate dinner, and Suzanna and Berlin met up with all of us to go to the good ol' Rodeo!
Marcel and I bought a cute pair of sunglasses for Berlin at one of the booths and she loves them!! I love them on her too!
I have more pictures of all of us than the actual Rodeo so you'll have to enjoy our goofy selves!
Found our seats,
Flag Ceremony,
this year they had some airplanes fly over for the ceremony too, which was AWESOME!
More sillyness!
Some bull riding action,
more Us! Yay! ;)
Getting a good picture with a toddler is difficult....but I think we got at least one decent one!
Half-time entertainment with the "One armed Bandit"!
It's not a rodeo without popcorn!!
Silly clowns! We seriously laughed SO hard at these guys!
Yep, more us!!
End of the rodeo entertainment with these talented Motorcyclists! Pretty sure I held my breath through their whole performance! So awesome but I'm pretty positive that their mothers DO NOT watch this!!
Finale of fireworks! Glad we had seats farther back because firework pieces were falling into the stands...could've been bad for those gals that use tons of hairspray!
Aaaaaand......more us!!
We had such a great time and they did a fantastic job this year with everything! You can bet that we'll be to the 80th Annual Ute Stampede next year!! :)