"Okay, Braun, you're up. If you can beat these guys with your pose you'll be the winner of the entire contest."
Without missing a beat, and he claims he has NO idea where the idea came from {insert eye roll}, Marcel took off his turnout coat, slid the suspenders off his shoulders and let them dangle at his sides, unzipped the front of the turnout pants, cocked his hips to the side and gave what I imagine to be a masculine "Come to me" sort of stare/glare.
The instructors all instantly reacted with "wow"s and "Holy [Cow] Braun"s! One instructor made the statement "Holy [Smokes] Braun that almost turned me gay!", another said something to the affect of "I think I need to go have a cigarette now or something, Dang!", another said "You take this stuff home and practice don't you Braun!" (this of course is untrue but I'm not going to lie.....I've imagined it, and it would be AwEsOmE ;) ! Haha!)! All comments were in awe of what a sexy GQ pose he pulled!
Now it was the 3rd guys turn and the instructors dared him to top that. He bravely took an axe, turned sideways, threw the axe over his shoulder flexing his muscles and seductively looked to the instructors for a ruling.
I love you tons hun! <3
"Mischief Managed!"
*sniffle, tear*
The actual 4th fell on a Sunday this year. Nephi decided to have their celebration at the park on Sat. the 3rd with the fireworks on Mon. the 5th. Moroni decided to do their whole shebang on Mon. the 5th. This worked out perfect for us! I've never been to the Nephi Park celebration before and have wanted to see what all the fuss was about! Having grown up in Sanpete and going to the Moroni celebration every year, I expected to be partial and not too impressed. I was definitely wrong! I would LOVE to go to the Nephi Park celebration EVERY year! The big old trees provide plenty of shade for everyone from the torturous heat and there is much more room and games! Moroni is alright but the only protection from the sun comes from the one canopy they set up (which we all know doesn't really help), plenty of fun for kids but parents aren't having as much fun. Nephi has an auction for the adults to have fun with while the kids play! I will give Moroni this though, they have way cooler inflatable courses for the kids to go on! Just saying ;)! This Sanpete girl in the Juab world is ever so slowly but surely turning into a Juab girl! Oh the madness!! Okay getting back to the day at the Park, it was tons of fun! Between Marcel's mini study sessions we visited with friends and ate some great food! As mentioned before I'd love to go again!
Sunday, the 4th, I just hung around while Marcel studied so it wasn't anything too special!
On the 5th it was time for Moroni's celebration! Since the holiday fell on a Sunday it was being recognized on Monday so no work for any of us! We headed to Moroni and started off the day with some delicious breakfast and then headed to the parade in time for the Ping-Pong drop!
It was VERY humid and warm but they passed out little hand fans as an advertisement for some business. They were MUCH appreciated! Marcel and I have a funny bone for Alpacas! They are so hilarious to look at! We want to own one someday just so we can laugh every time we look at it! I would name him Kuzco!:)
Our extended family from Salt Lake weren't able to come down this year so we didn't have any of our cute little cousins to gather the candy, therefore the task was designated to the youngest in the group, Austen!!