For Easter this year Marcel had convinced my family to go shed hunting with us. Well the morning we were to leave it was snowing really bad in Moroni so my dad called to let us know that they wouldn't be coming over. Marcel and I ended up sleeping in until around 10:30 and then got up and went for a little hike. Before we left I surprised him with an Easter basket filled with some fun things!

For our hike we didn't go very high and we weren't out very long so we didn't find anything, which was still a bummer. It's partly my fault we didn't go as high because my legs were already SO sore from my workouts and I had cramps so I was being a bit of a baby! Marcel is such a good sport for dealing with my moods!
After getting back home from the hike we went home, got ready, and headed to Moroni for some dinner and family time! I made some scrumptious little goodies to take along that I got from this site. They turned out pretty good, Marcel LoVeD them! They are very sweet so I couldn't even eat a whole one, but Marcel was more than happy to finish mine!
Dinner was delicious! Ham with funeral potatoes and salad! So good! For dessert we had the cake pops and some yummy cupcakes my mom made! We followed the food with watching the movie "Tron" which wasn't too bad. Marcel and I never really had the desire to watch it but we were pleasantly surprised with it! Then we headed home with our Easter goodies in tow (my parents gave us some fun Easter stuff and some candy!) to relax.
Shortly after we got home, Marcel got a text from his brother Pascal asking if we were both home and if they could stop by for a minute. When they walked in the door Pascal had they're camcorder in hand (not on yet) and Suzanna was holding a wrapped package. We didn't think too much of it but then they came in the living room, handed us the package and Pascal said they had to record our reaction when opening it! I had my suspicions, Marcel had no clue, but we opened it and it was a cute jar filled with pink and blue M&M's with a little note tied around it saying "You're going to be and aunt and uncle on about 11/22/11! Love, Pascal, Suzanna & Baby"!! We were SOOO excited! I can't believe I'm going to be an aunt! That feels so weird to say out loud because being the oldest in my family, I thought it would be a LONG time before I'd ever be able to say that! We are ecstatic for the two of them and it was so cute to see they're excitement! I can't wait for this little one to get here! It was the perfect ending to our Easter!

I hope that Easter was fun for all of you too! :)