Here are some random treats I've made. They are fun and I had a blast making them. I love being creative with desserts, as you will see, so I'm always coming up with new ideas or mimicking ideas I find online! They usually taste as good as they look too ;)! Now my regular food cooking skills are a whole different story....! Enjoy!
This is a doughnut bouquet we made for Dani for her birthday last year. She LOVES doughnuts so this was the perfect gift! We just bought the doughnuts from the store and placed them on scewers that we'd already put paper leafs on. There's also crinkled paper and skittles in the bottom to make it a little more colorful!
This is the cake I made for Marcel's 24th b-day (no mold was used). The tires are little doughnuts, the lights are DOTS, and the buttons are mini M&M's. This one took a while but it was worth his reaction when he saw it!This was a cake I made for a treat for work from a recipe found online. There's melting chocolate coated on the top layer for a little crunch, chocolate shavings on top, and the middle is a cream cheese, whipped cream and Oreo combination. It was a whole lot of sugar but it was definitely worth one piece!I dipped and drizzled these strawberry's for a Valentine's Day treat. Marcel loved them so they didn't last long!I made these caramel apples for a Halloween snack (obviously!). The cobwebs were made with chocolate frosting piped on with a plastic sandwich bag.These were fun little Thanksgiving cupcakes. The heads are tootsie pops and the beaks are tips from the candy corn that was used to make the tail feathers. Needless to say they were "gobbled" up pretty quickly! ;)