So we've been fishing quite a few times out at Burston Ponds and we haven't had the greatest of luck. Not only have we not caught anything (well Marcel caught one and as he was reeling it out of the water it got off the hook so I don't know that you would really count that!), but we've lost a few loor's in the process.
Well last week on one of the nicer days so far this spring we decided to try our luck again. We were out there casting and reeling, casting and reeling, when all of a sudden Marcel got a bite! We were so excited because this would be our first fish caught at Burston Ponds! As he reeled it in it was jumping out of the water every so often so we caught little glimpses of it but we weren't prepared for what a whopper it turned out to be ;)! Upon reeling it in and getting our trophy snapshot, Marcel released it back into the water, deciding there wasn't enough meat on the little guy to keep it (although it'd make a tasty fish stick!), and it swam off into the pond to grow and be caught another day!
After this exciting experience my loor got caught in a tree (mind you it was pretty windy!) and when Marcel tried to get it down, the line snapped and the loor fell into the water. Prior to Marcel catching his fish his line had snapped when his loor got caught in some weeds under water and he had to attach a different/cheaper one (which ironically is the one that caught the fish, go figure!). So all in all we lost 2 new loors and didn't take home 1 fish! Man you've got to love fishing!