1)Don't call me Jenny...EVER. It is not my name. And for some odd reason when people call me that it irritates me to my core! Odd I know...!
2)I am a HUGE procrastinator. I've had that problem my entire life so I doubt it's going to change anytime soon.
3)Marcel and I found each other on
Myspace (long story)!
4)I can't stand having lotion on the palms of my hands. My hands dry out in the winter and so when I put on lotion I rub it in as much as I can and then wipe off my palms. It's kind of a waste, I know this, but I can't help it!
5)I am missing a tooth and have a screw in it's place. Marcel calls me "Jaws" on occasion because of it (some James Bond movie thing I guess). Rude I know ;) ! Honestly it isn't that bad. It's the 2
nd to last tooth on the top-left side of my mouth so you won't ever see it unless I show you...which I don't usually do!
**Not my x-ray but looks very similar. The story behind this is one day my tooth...how do I put this...crumbled? in my mouth. When we went to the dentist for x-rays they discovered I had an infection that had eaten through the bone and was about to puncture my nasal cavity (in my defense I DO brush my teeth. He said it could happen to even the best
brusher!). It was a root canal that had gone wrong. I then went to a specialist who pulled the remainder of that tooth, cleaned the infection, graphed some new bone and put in the screw (it took a few visits and was considered "surgery". I was awake for these). Before my first surgery the specialist had advised that I bring a
discman with my favorite music to calm my nerves. I took his advice but my favorite music at the time was the new "Phantom of the Opera" CD, which I brought and immediately regretted! I sat in the chair, put on my headphones and pressed play. The first song started as they were laying me back. Did I mention that I'm terrified of the dentist?! The first song "
Duuuun dun dun dun
duuuun...." as the chair leans back with the specialist and his assistant leaning over me in their masks, gowns and caps, adjusting the light.
I had to close my eyes and skip that song! It was the wrong song for the situation, or the perfect song, I'm still not sure! Anyway all is well and I just need to get a fake tooth! No biggie!
6)I LOVE boating but hate swimming suits, go figure!
7)I HATE tomatoes but I will eat Salsa (even chunky), Ketchup and love tomato soup. Something about the texture or taste of plain tomato...I can't do it!
8)I do NOT do very well with scary movies. I literally have nightmares from them! I love the adrenaline I get when watching them and used to watch them all the time when I was younger and dumber...yes "dumber"... and it wasn't such a good idea (I still have to sleep with the tv on when I'm alone and when turning off the lights at night I make sure the light is on in the next room to run to before turning one off!). I'm a little older and a tad bit wiser so I do my best to refrain from watching them now, which bums Marcel out because he loves scary movies but he understands. Such a good hubby! I have a great strategy for closing my eyes and plugging my ears at the same time if I need too though!
9)I am very much like a fish in the sense that I am very attracted to sparkly things! I honestly can't walk past a sparkly thing without stopping to touch it or slowing down immensely to gaze at its sparkly wonder and beauty!
10)I HATE bra shopping. It puts me in tears. I will change that someday.... :)
11)I have to fill in my eyebrows a bit because I got a bit
tweezer happy in high school and they didn't grow back quite right!
12)I LOVE new socks! It's one of my favorite feelings putting on a new pair!
13)I can't wait to be a MOMMY (even if you don't know me you probably already know that)!
14)I love hunting! Mostly because I get to spend lots of extra time with Marcel but also because it's awesome! I used to think I wouldn't be able to do it but after my first hunt I was hooked!
15)I have a serious problem with biting my fingers (yep I'm even doing it now). When I was young I used to bite my nails so short that they would HURT. I've now stopped that and bite the skin around them (gross I know). It drives Marcel CRAZY but I can't stop! There may be some underlying issue there....hmmm...!
16)I broke my left leg when I was really little playing on a water bed. On that same leg I have had my knee pop out of place twice and hair line fractured my ankle.
17)I LOVE being crafty! If I could stay home all day and work on projects I would be in heaven!
18)I have a hard time downing eggs if they aren't scrambled...and I mean SCRAMBLED! No white. I watch people eat hard boiled eggs and wish that I liked them. I even try a bite every Easter expecting my taste to change and it never does. They look SO good and I wish I liked them! Is that normal?!
19)I am SOOO indecisive. Don't expect me to make a quick, on the spot decision because it ain't happenin'!
20)I am a Disney FANATIC!
21)I (along with my husband and family) quote movies ALL THE TIME! There is a quote for anything and any situation! I love it! Plus it's always fun to play the "name that movie" game!
22)I REALLY don't like answering phones, but I'm a receptionist.
Hmmm....! Some days are okay but other days I want to rip the phone out of the wall (do you think they would fire me for that?!).
23)Every time I go into a bathroom right after someone I can't help but think as I go to sit on the throne, "their naked butt was just here"! It honestly never fails! I don't think it if I just go into a stall or bathroom at random but if it's right after someone walks out it's guaranteed that thought will cross my mind (not to make any of the people I work with paranoid ;) )! I can't be the only one that thinks this!
24)I used to be able to stay up to all hours of the night. Now I'm a dead beat by 10
ish and I have NEVER been a morning person EVER!
25)My husband is my best friend and I love spending all of my extra time with him! People tell me that will change (we've been married a little over 2yrs with no kids) but why should it? It IS possible to stay in the newly-wed phase forever and I will do my best to keep it that way!
**Inspiration from Little Miss Momma Blog!